Joseph's Republic

A dose of some good old-fashioned musings of a non-practicing bachelor boy about the meaning of wife... and a host of life's other nosey questions.

free your mind!

“None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.” -Goethe

off to a bad start?

The Inquirer Publications gave me a 2009 desk calendar quite early.. i figured that must be a good sign. The second calendar I received, however, was from a hospital, upon checkout... well, that pretty sums up my family's so called long vacation.


I'm currently re-editing this template. My apologies to my 4 loyal readers (myself included) for this rather amusing inconvenience.

Btw, the anchor texts "News" "Reviews" and "Opinions" are just test-links.


I'm a coffee lover and Ecclesiastes is my favorite blend.

Freshly brewed from on high Ecclesiastes perks me up when I'm feeling low and wakes me up when I'm backsliding.

Personally, I love Ecclessiastes' bitter taste, its downright cynicism, its in your face pessimism. It is guaranteed to make your mood gloomy or at least introspective with its harsh overdose of brutal honesty served hot straight from old Solomon's kettle.

I'm sure other Christians could relate to this special book in this way, even if they literally hate coffee. Realty bites and this book serves no lesser purpose than to serve reality as it is.

different paths

college campus lawn

wires in front of sky

aerial perspective


clouds over the highway

The Poultney Inn

apartment for rent