Joseph's Republic

A dose of some good old-fashioned musings of a non-practicing bachelor boy about the meaning of wife... and a host of life's other nosey questions.

free your mind!

“None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.” -Goethe

off to a bad start?

The Inquirer Publications gave me a 2009 desk calendar quite early.. i figured that must be a good sign. The second calendar I received, however, was from a hospital, upon checkout... well, that pretty sums up my family's so called long vacation.


I'm currently re-editing this template. My apologies to my 4 loyal readers (myself included) for this rather amusing inconvenience.

Btw, the anchor texts "News" "Reviews" and "Opinions" are just test-links.


It's that time of the year again when we at the Church of God offers our sacrifice of thanksgiving to our Father in heaven. For three glorious days on December 27, 28 and 29, we shall again be awed witnesses to his righteousness and words of wisdom.

Personally I thank the Father for taking good care of my family, especially of my wife who went through two surgical operations this year.. I thank God all the more, however, for keeping me and my wife in the faith in spite of all our shortcomings. I thank God most of all, that He continuously bestowing me, as with the rest of the congregation, the gift of understanding His divine words of Truth!

Thanks be to God for keeping brother Eli Soriano and brother Daniel Razon safe amid all the threats to their lives.

Thanks be to God for the trials and tribulations He allow, especially those instigated by our Church's enemies. Because of such trials and tribulations, several hundreds of new members in the Church of God can now be found in Africa, the Americas, East and South East Asia, Europe and in practically all parts of the globe, in fulfillment of the biblical prophecies!!

Indeed, there's just so much to thank God for that words simply don't suffice...

To God be the Glory!


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different paths

college campus lawn

wires in front of sky

aerial perspective


clouds over the highway

The Poultney Inn

apartment for rent